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Li Zhang



Zhang Li, Bachelor and Master of Arts in CCNU and Wuhan University respectively. A visiting scholar of Calgary University, Canada, 2006.

Research Area: translation, region and country-specific studies, foreign language faculty development


2017-2019 Academic Performance

1. Conducted one university-level research project, “Construction of College English Translation Course Team” (ZL201740).

2. Participated in one provincial-level research project and three university-level research projects

3. Co-edited two books.

Terminology Collection of Petrology , Wuhan University Press, 2018.

A Coursebook of Practical Translation, Wuhan University Press, 2019.

4. Published 4 journal articles.

Zhang Li, Huang Zhonglian. An Empirical Analysis of College Course Design and Learning Needs for Science and Technology Translation. Chinese Science & Technology Translation Journal20194):35-37+15.

Zhang Bin, Zhang Li, Hu Yunli. Proposal on Further Promoting People-to-people Exchanges between China and ASEAN. Crossroads: Southeast Asian Studies, 20186):83-92.

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